www.vetmic.com is an Internet domain owned by EQUINDOR Global S.L. with address at Av. Jaime I Nº8, Entlo Izq., 03510, Callosa D En Sarria (Alicante), Spain and C.I.F B44692242 hereinafter www.vetmic.com.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), we inform you that in order to register in our information request form, you will be asked for the necessary data to carry out said management, for which the client/user is informed and gives his/her consent to the incorporation of his/her data into a file for which he/she is responsible, and which has been duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency for the purpose of informing you about the products and services requested and sending commercial communications about them, with all the legal and security guarantees imposed by Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

We also inform you of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, which may be exercised at the registered office of www.vetmic.com located at Cap Negret 61, 03590 Altea (Alicante), Spain.

www.vetmic.com undertakes not to transfer, sell or share the data with third parties without your express approval.

Likewise, www.vetmic.com will cancel or rectify the data when they are inaccurate, incomplete or no longer necessary or relevant for their purpose, in accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data.

www.vetmic.com adopts the corresponding security levels required by the aforementioned Organic Law 15/1999 and other applicable regulations. However, it assumes no liability for damages arising from alterations that third parties may cause to the user’s computer systems, electronic documents or files.

If you choose to leave our website via links to websites that do not belong to our company, www.vetmic.com no will not be held responsible for the privacy policies of these websites or for the cookies that they may store on the user’s computer.

Our policy with respect to e-mail is to only send communications that you have requested to receive.

If you prefer not to receive these messages by e-mail, we will offer you the possibility of exercising your right to cancel and waive receipt of these messages, in accordance with the provisions of Title III, Article 22 of Law 34/2002 of Services for the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

For all litigious matters concerning the www.vetmic.com website, Spanish legislation shall apply, and the Courts and Tribunals of ALICANTE (SPAIN) shall have jurisdiction.